Jesse Tree- Day 7

Well, a week into our Jesse Tree, I am loving it! What a wonderful way to keep our focus on Christ, teach our boys incredible truths from the Word and have a fun new Christmas tradition!

Tonight we looked at the grandson of Abraham, Jacob and an interesting dream that he had in Genesis 28. This was a story that Caleb was able to understand- Jacob was traveling and night came so he laid down to go to sleep. Then he had a dream. A ladder stretched to heaven and the angels traveled up and down the ladder and then God spoke to Jacob confirming the covenant He made with Abraham- that all nations would be blessed through their family. Last night we learned that this was speaking of Christ. Tonight, Jack taught me something new about this passage. In John, Jesus says that He is the ladder in Jacob's dream. A pretty abstract thought that we didn't go into with the boys tonight, but one that I have never heard before that really blows me away! Even in this dream we see Christ- He is our ladder to heaven. Christ is the way that we have access to God- through His death we are redeemed and able to enter into the presence of a Holy God. The more I see Christ throughout the Old Testament in our Jesse Tree study, the more I want to worship Him this Christmas season!

Key Verse: Genesis 28:13-15

Symbol: Ladder

Making our ornament

Our finished ladder

Caleb's turn to hang it


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