Reflecting on His Sacrifice
We've spent this dreary Good Friday reflecting on our sin and His sacrifice. We've done our Lenten Lights and painted our rocks black. And we've read our Jesus Storybook Bible. If you are a parent to young children, you need this Bible. It is amazing. The subtitle is "Every story whispers His name." We absolutely love it! Every story points to Jesus. Every story reminds us of our need for a rescuer and of God's great plan to send that rescuer. We really, really love it.
And now they have produced a series of videos based on their accounts of the Holy Week. It is simply images from the Jesus Storybook Bible and a narrative of the text. They are beautiful. The boys loved watching them today. Can't wait to watch the Resurrection story on Sunday! I am posting them here for you to see (for the next week or so, then they will no longer be available). Share them with your kids. Reflect on His sacrifice, His love, His grace.
And now they have produced a series of videos based on their accounts of the Holy Week. It is simply images from the Jesus Storybook Bible and a narrative of the text. They are beautiful. The boys loved watching them today. Can't wait to watch the Resurrection story on Sunday! I am posting them here for you to see (for the next week or so, then they will no longer be available). Share them with your kids. Reflect on His sacrifice, His love, His grace.