Remembering Graditude

A while back I began a journey..... a journey to a life of gratitude by recording 1,000 gifts. I was challenged by my favorite writer Ann Voskamp who blogs at A Holy Experience. I've blogged my gifts so far up to 210. And it really is day changing, week changing and hopefully life changing. And now Ann has written a book about this journey. I love the title: "One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Life Fully Right Where You Are." Can I do that? Can I live life fully right where I am? With three small children, with a 16 month old who is getting into EVERYTHING and makes his displeasure known with screaming (even in the library at storytime!), pregnant and hormonal, with a fierce cold, with a husband who has meetings in Columbia all day tomorrow, meetings all day Thursday with Refuge that night, and meetings in Nashville all day Friday and Saturday (can you tell what kind of day I had!?!?!?!). Yes, I can. Today, I failed. But tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is another chance to wake with gratitude on my lips. Tomorrow is another chance to seize every moment. Tomorrow is another day to love completely, to live more fully. I can't wait to read her book. I think you should, too. Here's a video promo of her book.

My book shipped today. And when I start reading it, I will be blogging my thoughts, my feelings and the lessons learned. I am still on this journey. Won't you join me? Shall we give Him the thanks, the glory for all of the gifts? May it be so!

Today was hard, but not without it's gifts.
211. the way he takes care of me
212. giggles
213. reading library books on the couch
214. listening to caleb read
215. a healthy 16 month old who knows his mind
216. baby smiles
217. the unconditional love of a child
218. early bedtimes
219. the world of imagination
220. mercy and grace new every morning

holy experience


this was the perfect blog entry for me to read today! i have really been struggling with anger and bitterness and last night i prayed for a long time about my heart. I kept coming back to the verse in about his mercy being new every morning...i will join you, my friend!

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