1,000 Gifts

It's been too long! I truly want to make this journey to 1,000 gifts just a part of my life. I want to live a life of gratitude and gratefulness, a life that overflows with those things. I have so much in my life to be grateful for, so much I don't deserve. This journey has taught me so much already. The hard days are much easier when you have a habit of counting all of the gifts. My attitude on those hard days is different when I focus on the gifts- no matter how small they are. There are so many... so, so many. I'm going to get back on this journey again with more consistency. I am a better wife, a better mother and a more Godly woman when I pause and thank Him for the countless gifts.

151. pillow forts
152. wobbly first steps
153. a trip to the pumpkin patch
154. boys fighting over mommy hugs
155. lessons from africa
156. marla
157. a brave boy sharing his scripture memory with the whole church
158. pretend play
159. a big vocabulary out of a little boy
160. a child's delight

holy experience


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