Our Reader

So, I've been telling people how Caleb is reading. Today, I caught it on video. This child just turned 4 two months ago and he is reading like crazy. And the most amazing part is that I have hardly worked with him at all- no flash cards, no lessons, not even reading games. He has just over the years learned the letters and their sounds. Before Christmas he was begging me to teach him to read, so I planned to start in January. To my surprise, when I sat down to work with him, he began sounding out words all on his own! And so now all we do is read a book together each day, sometimes two books. I got lots of beginning reading books at a consignment sale for his Easter basket and we've just chosen one each day. He reads and I've just helped him with some words that are harder to sound out and we've talked about some things like oo, ow, ea, ay. That's it. He's just started reading on his own.

This is a video of him today reading the book Hot Dog with Jack. I promise, cross my heart no fingers crossed, that he has never read this book before. This is his first read through. I am amazed by my smarty pants son! Enjoy!


Anonymous said…
I do believe this child is related to his Grammy!
Carrie said…
that is unbelievable! So great! charlotte is definitely sounding out words, but i need to really work with her with some early readers.

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