1,000 Gifts
It's been a while since I've recorded the many, endless gifts in my life. Confession time: my attitude has not been great this morning- Caleb is whinny, Josiah is teething, Noah couldn't find his milk- everyone was melting down at one time. And I lost it. And I instantly regretted it. I've been trying hard lately to use words that only build up those around me- words that will strengthen the hearts of my children and my husband. I was convicted and inspired by this blog by Ann Voskamp. She writes her own blog (where I got the 1,000 gifts and other things), and occasionally she writes for (In)courage. As I read her blog last week, I was convicted over the angry, frustrated, exasperated words that so easily slip off of my tongue. And I was encouraged to change that- to have the words I speak, to my men especially, be the kind that build up, not tear down. And today I failed. And today I am grateful for grace. And I realized that the key to changing my words is changing my heart (His work) and my attitude (my responsibility). So to that end:
111. boys dragging blankies behind
112. an empty dishwasher
113. my sister, my friend
114. a lazy monday
115. hugs and kisses
116. a beautiful weekend
117. sweetly well behaved boys at a friend's wedding
118. a lunch break with daddy home
119. a child's forgiveness
120. His grace, greater than my sin

111. boys dragging blankies behind
112. an empty dishwasher
113. my sister, my friend
114. a lazy monday
115. hugs and kisses
116. a beautiful weekend
117. sweetly well behaved boys at a friend's wedding
118. a lunch break with daddy home
119. a child's forgiveness
120. His grace, greater than my sin
He has no idea what I'm saying, but I'm just hoping if I start teaching myself to examine my heart & apologize to him now it'll get easier when he's older & the issues are bigger. Being a mom sure is humbling!!!!