Things I love about my guy

526. the way he and eden sit together on the porch swing

527. the way he preaches the word

528. the way he fully participates in our family days

529. the way he lifted all of the boys high into the apple trees

530. the way he compliments me

531. the way he happily eats everything i cook

532. the way he takes initiative to change diapers

533. the way he talks to our children

534. the way he laughs with me, and thinks i'm actually funny

535. the way he reminds me of jesus

536. the way he so easily relates to everyone we meet

537. the way he knows me so well

538. the way his daughter already has him wrapped

539. the way noah wants to do everything just like him

540. the way he works to  fulfill my frivolous desire for grass in the backyard

541. the blue of his eyes

542. the way he prays for our children

543. the way he leads

544. the way he sits with me on the back porch

545. the way he never makes me feel less than

546. the way he holds me when we fall asleep

547. the way he values my opinions, even when sometimes he shouldn't

548. the way he holds my hand

549. the way he comes home for lunch almost everyday

550. the way he loves


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